what state is this in????? when you tell me, i’m going there. if this were in manhattan, it’d be 1 for $18, the chocolate covered bacon couldn’t legally contain transfat, and it’d be called tempura. i love living in nyc but shit like this reminds me of reasons why i should hate it and live some where authentic. does wanting to live somewhere authentic make me somehow not authentic (inauthentic)? somewhere, chuck klosterman just jizzed.
what state is this in????? when you tell me, i’m going there. if this were in manhattan, it’d be 1 for $18, the chocolate covered bacon couldn’t legally contain transfat, and it’d be called tempura. i love living in nyc but shit like this reminds me of reasons why i should hate it and live some where authentic. does wanting to live somewhere authentic make me somehow not authentic (inauthentic)? somewhere, chuck klosterman just jizzed.