DRUNKMALLARD: An Introduction

- DRUNKMALLARD is probably blonde
- DRUNKMALLARD is sitting right now
- DRUNKMALLARD is not a vegetarian
- DRUNKMALLARD is a sharer
- DRUNKMALLARD is interested in what you’re saying
- DRUNKMALLARD is crazy, for you
- DRUNKMALLARD is most famous for openly condemning the Philippines
- DRUNKMALLARD is not a coward
- DRUNKMALLARD is wondering if you need proof of the above, bitch
- DRUNKMALLARD is caring
- DRUNKMALLARD is wholesome, on alternate thursdays, odd months
- DRUNKMALLARD is into you
- DRUNKMALLARD is not afraid of what you’re afraid of
- DRUNKMALLARD is dangerous
- DRUNKMALLARD is looking for love in all the wrong places, somewhat expectedly
- DRUNKMALLARD is not a druck (a drunk duck)
- DRUNKMALLARD is riiiiiiiiiiiight behind you
- DRUNKMALLARD is going to tell you about his trip to the islands
- DRUNKMALLARD is a fighter pilot
- DRUNKMALLARD is a man who holds no allegiances
- DRUNKMALLARD is waiting
- DRUNKMALLARD is the one who just rickroll’d you
- DRUNKMALLARD is hosting a seminar in your office this friday, you should come
- DRUNKMALLARD is infinity
- DRUNKMALLARD thanks you.

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