Shareholders meeting for Eating Shit Inc.

Quarterly reports indicate that face + hard surface = big returns.

I have no idea why the weirdo techno music starts up in here, but there are some epic ones after that. Shit involving airplanes and yachts. It’s nuts. But mostly, it’s just people doing things they probably shouldn’t and then immediately getting hurt in the face region. Which is fun. And then sad. And then fun again.

Thanks to Sachmo for pointing me at this one. YOU MA GURL YO

Follow Up: Lady GaGa further confuses the shit out of me

Grammys (Grammies?) There are only 2 reasons to play live at the Grammys.

1. You suck, but are incredibly popular. You will wear sequins, there will be lights and tons of backup dancers and no one will notice that you’re not singing. Not even close really.
2. You are talented, but probably under appreciated by the marketplace. You are probably relegated to singing a bunch of covers by someone who just died, next to a giant projection of their head. The kids aren’t really sure who you are, but the parents all know as they bought your album on CD, because your song was in that movie, and it doesn’t sound like rap music.
(3. You are Beyonce.)

Lady Gaga at the Grammys the other night, managed to do something outside the bounds of both conventions here, but at the same time was doing both of them at the same time. It was confusing and the only thing that wasn’t a the least bit surprising about the performance was the fact that it was, in fact, totally confusing.

Let’s look at the play by play here. First, there’s an….announcer? In a tuxedo? Doing some cross between a circus big top introduction and the beginning to the Dr. Suess book about Lady Gaga. Then Gaga appears herself. She looks appropriately preposterous, but is notably incongruous with the post-apocalyptic industrial landscape going on around her. It’s kind of a steampunk Thriller vibe, and she’s all sea green and sparkles. Pantsless and wearing what appears to be a version of Nightwing’s mask from the Batman comics, she proceeds to….sing?

And as stated before, she actually can sing, she just CHOOSES not to. But sing she does, a soulful rendition of her smash hit “Poker Face” which, as a song, is not soulful, not even a little. After a few bars of that, we’re snapped out of our bewildered “did that voice just come from that sparkly thing?” thinking , back to vintage Gaga and we’re whisked off to her bizzarro world of Muffin Bluffin, strobed-out mummy parties (or whatever the hell is going on) and she plays the hits. Gaga’s droll, monotonous hum issues forth and there is much dancing and merriment around her (which is confusing given the nature of the work conditions in the Fame Factory, I suppose you just can’t repress the masses when they need to dance. See also: Footloose). We’re left wondering for a while why in God’s name did someone decide it was a good idea to bring back the high waisted, vagina covering, hip showing 80s swimsuit onesie look. It makes me think of the more maternal aspects of the female reproductive system. Then I start worrying about whether or not she’s going to fall – anyway. Before long we’re hurled mercilessly into the chorus of the song, which is so flooded with backing track it makes Katrina seem like a quiet encroachment. It seems like someone was trying to tell her she’s in the wrong place by turning up the actual song so she could remember. This is all delightfully accompanied by some of the most uninspired choreography I have ever seen, even for an award show, but I can’t really complain I mean what do you expect out of the working class egyptian undead? Then suddenly the song is over but -

And that’s a big BUT dear reader, for our sprightly little songster hath returned as the backup dancers force Gags from the spotlight. Our satyr in a penguin suit proceeds to narrate what’s happening….sort of. It’s something about pop music and the G-ma’am being too much and ruining his business? I thought he was in the business of introducing Lady Gaga? Anyway, Gaga is taken up the stairs despite her strong protestations. The lady DEFINITELY doth protest too much and producers who are playing along at home can strike “Acting Crossover Sensation” from their list of How To Make Money At This Years Grammys (Home Edition). Gags is dropped into a vat of fire (who keeps fire in a vat?) and emerges, predictably triumphant and unpredictably covered in ash at a mutant piano opposite an also ashen Elton John (research, can you look up if Sir John was also dumped at one point in his career into a vat of fire? Maybe this is a serial thing..) They sing. Sir Elton John is wearing some kind of futurist advanced gay gyroscope on his ear that probably shoots lasers if you fuck with him. They sing. Everyone except social conservative men and their cowed wives goes home happy.

Now, I’ve spent far too much time in post-game, because I know you could have gotten just as much enjoyment out of that without my wry voice whispering snarky comments in your ear. Let’s get down to what’s actually going on here.

1. A Narrative frame
2. Dancing, singing, speaking in an imagined landscape
3. A live audience

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second. is this theater? is this avant-garde theater? AT THE GRAMMYS? Gaga what are you doing to me? Is the tuxedoed man representative of the major label attitude in the 21st century? Is Elton John some kind of god figure in Gaga’s messianic quest to change the very landscape of socio-sexual and mass culture politics? IS THIS SYMBOLIST THEATER!?

Or maybe it’s not. In fact, it’s probably not. In point of fact, nowhere and at no time, did anyone even remotely consider this. But someday dear reader, someday we might MIGHT be able to get there. As for right now, I believe that this is just another image, just another 10 second clip to be shown when she’s reached maturity and legitimacy. This is the beginning of the middle section of her televised documentary retrospective. Becoming the Madonna of our generation, we will all look back and say “Oh remember when she played with that old gay guy our parents liked?” She seeks fame. No that’s not right, she doesn’t seek fame, she seeks the ineffable thing above that. The thing that bends culture around her persona, instead of the opposite:


She doesn’t want to change the world, she wants the world to change; to turn it’s insatiable eye for entertainment on her, permanently. Her outlandish behavior (with no hallmarks of actual destructive behavior) and her carefully protected talent, all point to one thing. A meticulously planned infamy. In 2 years, when she’s run out of stunts to pull, the drugs will take hold and she’ll go away to rehab (supposedly). Then she’ll come back, a reformed party girl, with still a little bit of starlet in her. She will sing soulful love songs, and be embraced by the masses. She will win universal appeal when she marries a man. She’ll do a country album and not like Madonna. She will be the biggest thing since the Beatles. And she probably knows all of this.

Hats off to you Lady. You’ve done it.

*Grammies sounds like a cookie made from Grandmothers. Like Soylent Green, but with false teeth and pictures of children, not in a creepy way. SCREENPLAY!

Evidence Mounting that British People Are Just Plain Funnier Than Us.

God. Dammit. The dry, sardonic wit. The clever, incisive social commentary. The acuteness and accuracy of the parody. I think, honestly, the entirety of England probably watched The Hangover with a sense of proud pity. Like when your retarded cousin got really excited when he managed to hard boil an egg with only minimal assistance.

SOTI has become a religious blog. Jesus content only.

I meant to post this a while ago, and Carter’s post just reminded me. Also he reminded me thoughtfully last night with a text that read:

“Why do you hate our blog? Look I know you wanted a girl, but he loves you so much. He even has your eyes.”

To which I said: Nothing. I said nothing, but I did decide before falling asleep that I would due my duty and at the very least pay child support. Which is to say, post a video and say almost nothing about it.

BTW if the person responsible for these pranks happens across this blog, know only this. Your wit is quick, your cynicism biting and your targets unsuspecting. You are a champion.

The 1st Amendment: Pitfalls and Unforseen Consequences

I entreat you to watch this entire thing.

Do you think when those guys who invented YouTube went live with their creation they felt fear? Like the kind of fear that Oppenheimer felt when he saw the first Atomic Bomb test, and is famously quoted as saying “I am become death itself…” They launched a platform for self-expression and then realized, suddenly and horribly, the awful truth that they had just unleashed upon the world: People are totally weird as hell when they are alone.

Can I get a ruling on whether or not to file this under Elevator to Hell?

Serious Issues, Not So Seriously

Fatty Vigilantism

Instead of talking about the serious implications this case has in the realm of jurisprudence, I’m going to make a bunch of silly jokes.

- Obama’s Council on National Fitness blocks sentence, laying the groundwork for chubby-chasing to be a federal crime punishable by death. The next step in the socialist agenda?
- Fat Bitch must be Mobbed Up! The Teflon Whale strikes again!
- Idiots take up valuable time in court, released back into the wild for further study.
- Reverence for tragedy dulled over time by lack of surprise.
- Steak and Shake named responsible in string of Cleveland area deaths associated with obesity.
- Precedence set by Cleveland courts create a new kind of gang violence, Sitting.
- “Sitting” related crime causes a scarcity of thin people in Cleveland
- Cleveland a ghost town after fat gangsters eat all the food, subsequently die of heart disease.

Oooook that’s enough to stave off the depressing image of our national identity for now. If you want to get in on this, start in the comments section. If you think I’m being inappropriate I should direct you to call our toll free number.


This is the daughter of the esteemed Reverend Fred Phelps, Pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, webmaster to and personal condemner of yours truly (seriously). Anyway, if this is how we’re going to kick off the new year, then… ah… you know what? I don’t even fucking know anymore. I just don’t. I can’t make fun of this shit anymore. Enjoy and welcome to the new year. If you need me I’m going to go try to find something awesome that can make up for this being the first post of 2010. I mean, this is awesome, but it’s also really really, really not.

@LadyGaga "Poker Face" parody by WBC is done! Lyrics: Music: sound bite

NEWS FLASH: We all sound like a cross between Dylan and Springsteen

So apparently, this italian nutjob with unlimited access to a crazy soundstage made up a song with gibberish to sound like American English…and it kinda does. I guess I’ve never thought about what english sounds like to anyone who doesn’t understand it. Is this why we just get louder when talking to foreigners? I mean, it sounds like you should be able to understand us right? RIGHT? RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?

Unsettling Today: Cat Massage



*laughs nervously* *winces* *repeats*

Twilight really does blow. It really really does. You guys. I’m not kidding.

Has anyone seen the first Twilight movie? It was awful. Like, so awful that I felt robbed for TORRENTING it (don’t ask, I was bored and left alone one night. Moral of the story: I need adult supervision at all times). The only redeeming quality was the fact that apparently the entire production staff had no idea what a cinematographer was, and so they let him/her do pretty much whatever they wanted. The result? A gorgeously over-saturated lushy green and grey paradise that didn’t fit anything else having to do with the movie. It’s like the cinematographer took it upon themselves to make this movie pretty like King Richard took it upon himself to conquer the shit out of the middle east. Now, that being said, it was still the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I can hear you dear reader, “ha ha, there’s no way that’s possible, haven’t you seen The Proposal, or The Net, or even Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous?” Shut up. Shut up dear reader, and also why do you hate Sandra Bullock so much? Actually, that was just my imagination of your hypothetical refusal to believe me, so I guess….Why do I hate Sandra Bullock so much? Oh yeah, cause she’s intolerable to watch.

Wait, I’m getting off topic. I would watch a youtube mash up of The Net and BOTH Miss Congeniality’s cobbled together by a 14 year old, tracked exclusively to Nickelback and interspersed with stills of Miley Cyrus, rather than once again sit through the scene where that FUCKING HAIRDO explains that VAMPIRES ARE SPARKLY. GOD DAMMIT.

Anyway, this has all been a preamble to this video. New Moon in one minute.

Thanks to ZZZLLL for posting this originally and Risa for reminding me how funny it is.